This guide is packed with crucial details about hair, makeup, outfit choices, and what to expect during your session. Take a moment to dive in – your best senior portrait experience starts right here!

Why read this? Because neglecting it might lead to a less-than-stellar experience. The guide answers FAQs, ensuring you're prepped for an amazing session!

Timeliness is key! Your session kicks off at a set location, and arriving on time, or even a tad early, is a game-changer. As a natural light photographer, sessions sync with sunset, and every minute counts. A 10-15 minute delay can impact our shoot time. Let's make your senior session a glowing success!


Your shoot, your call. The locations we choose should harmonize with your style and personality. Picture this: a serene creek, a vast field of tall grass, an urban backdrop, or the cozy indoors. The canvas is yours to paint, and the possibilities are limitless! Let's turn your preferences into picture-perfect realities.


Infuse your skills, sports, hobbies, or passions into the frame. Whether it's a senior and her violin, a guy and his football, or capturing the thrill of the ocean through paddleboarding – these images freeze your present, showcasing what you love. Let's create a session that's authentically and uniquely YOU!


Let's amp up the fun! Showcase your true self with props that scream "you." Whether it's donning a uniform, bringing a furry friend, or flaunting the wheels you've put some serious work into – think outside the box! This is your chance to capture the essence of you in this very moment. Let the props tell your story, making these photos a reflection of your personality.


Get ready to move! It's not just about posing; let's seize the moments where you're in action. Whether it's showcasing your talents, hobbies, or just letting your authentic self shine – these candid shots will be the gems you'll love sharing with family and friends. We'll blend structured poses with those dynamic, in-the-moment shots to tell a comprehensive story of you. Ready for some action-packed memories?


Change it up! Embrace the opportunity for an outfit switch – not just for the standard shots, but to let your personality sparkle through your wardrobe. Be bold, be vibrant, and let every outfit change reveal a different facet of you.

It's your time to shine, so go ahead and be the extra, extraordinary version of yourself!


Bringing family into the frame? Absolutely! I've had the pleasure of working with many seniors who've invited relatives to join the shoot – grandparents, aunts, uncles, you name it. Capturing a shot with them while you're in your senior element not only creates a fantastic photo but also immortalizes cherished memories. Let's weave the tapestry of generations into your senior portraits for timeless keepsakes!

Excitement's in the air! With these nifty ideas, I'm eager to see what you decide for your senior session. It's bound to be a blast and trust me, these moments of young adulthood will become cherished memories. So, here's to being yourself – after all, everyone else is already taken.

Let's make your senior session uniquely, authentically, and wonderfully YOU!


Clothing is the language of self-expression! Who says you don't need clothes to express yourself? I say, "Who doesn't?!" It's an art – your body is the canvas, clothes are your medium, and the mirror reflects your masterpiece.

Now, when it comes to your senior portrait session, major thought is in order. Those pictures are eternal, showcased for peers, parents, and grandparents alike. Here are some tips to nail your session day outfits and make sure your masterpiece is a showstopper!


If fitted clothing isn't your vibe, leave it at home! Personal comfort is the priority. For instance, I steer clear of items fitted around the tummy (who doesn't?) – it makes me self-conscious.

Your senior portraits involve various activities – sitting, laying down, walking. Uncomfortable clothes can be a hassle. If anything in your closet makes you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable, skip it! Your wardrobe should reflect your comfort and confidence. Let's make every moment in your outfits a breeze!


Beware the camera effect! Solid black and white can wash out skin tones on camera. So, for your senior session, opt for colors that POP and complement your hair and skin. Primary colors like red, royal blue, and yellow shine, along with vibrant shades of green, purple, pink, and orange.

Don't shy away from unique color combos – they often translate beautifully on camera! Let's turn your session into a colorful canvas that captures the vibrancy of you!


Fall and winter? Think layers! Picture a sweater with a flannel underneath, topped with a vest and a statement necklace or scarf. Pure stunning dimension! It not only looks fabulous but opens up posing possibilities.

Even in the warmer months, bring on the layers! A tank top with a sheer cardigan or a dress with a denim vest – hello, chic dimensions! Let's turn every season into a stylish spectacle for your senior portraits!


Sequins, furs, sparkles – often deemed daring, but in portraits, they're absolute magic! Texture is the secret sauce that prevents images from looking dull.

Here's the trick: combine textures that might seem unlikely, like sequins with cable knit sweaters or leather with fur. These unexpected pairs create visual dynamism and elevate your senior portraits into a dazzling showcase! Let's add that touch of sparkle to make your images truly shine!


The more, the merrier – especially when it comes to accessories! Don't forget to plan those statement pieces: stacks of bangles, long necklaces, scarves, hats, vibrant shoes, and more. Accessories have the power to make or break an outfit and can add that extra touch of magic to your senior session. Let's curate a collection that elevates your style and makes every photo pop!


Variety is the spice of life – and your wardrobe! When planning outfits, aim for a diverse range of looks. I suggest exploring these categories: casual, cozy, dressy, school-related, sports-related, preppy, or edgy.

Here's the hack: pick 2 categories that speak to you, and curate outfits accordingly. This way, your senior session becomes a captivating visual journey through different facets of your personality and style! Let's blend those categories for a wardrobe that tells your unique story..


Here's the golden rule: stick close to your personal style. Your outfits should resonate with your everyday vibe. And the crucial step? Give them a test run! Make sure you're beaming with happiness in your final choices. Your senior session is about capturing the real you, so let's make sure your wardrobe reflects that authenticity. Your style, your story, your stunning senior portraits!



Feeling a bit lost in the wardrobe jungle? Don't hesitate to reach out! I've got ample experience styling clients, and I'm here to collaborate with you. Let's work together to craft the perfect outfit that makes your senior session shine. Your vision, my expertise – a winning combination! 📸💫💖


Here's the key to acing your senior portrait session: preparation! Ever notice how feeling frazzled reflects in photos? To avoid that, don't wait until the last minute. Plan every detail, get everything in order, and let the confidence of preparation shine through in your senior portraits!

Create a Schedule

On the day of your shoot, time management is crucial. If you're planning on getting your hair, nails, and makeup done, schedule those appointments well in advance. Nails a few days before, but hair and makeup should be done a few hours before your photo shoot.

Avoid the stress of last-minute rush – plan with buffer time between appointments. While some salons accept walk-ins, having a set appointment is a lifesaver, especially when you have other places to be. Picture this: no sweating it out, no eyes glued to the clock – just a seamless, stress-free transition to your photo shoot!


List, Check, and Double-check! 📋

About a week before your photo shoot, create a detailed list of all the props, clothes, and accessories you plan to bring. Methodically check off each item on your list, ensuring you have everything ready.

This proactive approach gives you the luxury of time to track down any items you might have overlooked. And, don't forget to share your prop list with me! Knowing your choices helps me select the perfect locations for your shoot. Let's make sure everything's on point for a seamless and fabulous senior portrait session!


The night before, give your prop and garment checklist one final run-through. As you go down the list, check off each item only after it's packed and ready to roll for the next day.

This last-minute check ensures that you haven't missed anything, leaving you with peace of mind and a stress-free start to your senior portrait session. Let's make sure everything is set for a day of capturing stunning memories!


Here's your playbook for the night before:

  1. Ensure all garments are clean and pressed.
  2. Pop them into a hanging garment bag for that polished look.
  3. House your shoes in a box or separate bag to keep your clothes pristine.
  4. Keep your jewelry separated to avoid any entanglements.

Following these steps guarantees you'll step into your senior portrait session with crisp outfits, immaculate shoes, and perfectly untangled accessories. Let's set the stage for picture-perfect memories!


For a hassle-free senior portrait day:

  1. Stash all your props in the car you'll be driving to the shoot.
  2. This is crucial, especially for heavier items like chairs or stools.
  3. By doing this the day before, you avoid lifting heavy objects on the shoot day.
  4. Bonus: It eliminates last-minute worries on the day of the shoot.

So, load up your car with props and let's roll into your senior session with ease, ensuring you look and feel your absolute best!





Excitement levels soaring! Feel free to shoot me a message if you have any more questions. Can't wait to collaborate and create some amazing memories together!



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